News/release from LLoyent

It's basically tic-tac-toe, but you play with Cactuars and Tonberries.

I've just got it to a basic "you can play it, yay!" level, so I want to show it off. There are probably some glitches here and there, but it should work fine.

I haven't tested it on my AceKard yet, but it runs in NO$GBA for me.

Easy Mode has the computer choosing a random square.
Medium Mode recognises that it needs to block the player when they have two thingers in a row and a few other things.
Hard Mode will know the winning strategy and will always win or force draw - still in development.

Known Problems:
-Hard Mode isn't selectable (I haven't made hard mode yet)

To Do:
-Add in more fade effects(because they look nice)
-Make music, and add it
-Make sound effects, and add them
-Finish Two player mode
-Make it clear who wins and where when a game has finished
-Make tutorial to briefly explain rules (in case someone doesn't know Noughts and Crosses?)
-Make an arrow doover to point at the player who's turn it is
-Ask if the player wants to play again after a game rather than returning to the title screen
-Make hard mode
-Fix Spelling Errors
-Make saving possible

Thanks, and tell me what you think.