Polyphony Digital has revealed that there will be three circuits from Germany's motorsport Mecca, the Nürburgring, in Gran Turismo 5.

The famous and daunting 14-mile Nordschleife (star of every single motorsport game made since, oh, PGR2?) will feature alongside the modern Grand Prix track and the Nürburgring 24 Hours course.

You can read more about it and see screens at the US PlayStation blog and the official GT5 site. Or, if you happen to be going to the Nürburgring 24 Hours race this weekend, you can try it out for yourself.

"For a car enthusiast, the Nürburgring is the equivalent to what places like the Eiger Nordwand or Mount Everest means to a mountaineer," said GT creator Kazunori Yamauchi. "There is that special allure about it that you just can't explain in words."

It seems there's still no-one at Sony brave enough to tell Yamauchi-san to stop adding things to his game and release it already. In recent months, the addition of NASCAR racing has been announced, and rumours have swirled around support for 3D and PlayStation Move.

Gran Turismo 5, first revealed in 2006, has had its March 2010 Japanese launch delayed and currently has no release date. On the PlayStation Blog, the game's US producer hints that we should look forward to more news from E3 next month. Let's hope it's a date, not a new feature.