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the gpSP is a gameboy advance emulator originally written by Exophase. And now it’s ported to the Symbian OS!

The first gpSP4Symbian release is now ready for the testing. It already has some of the fixes that I’m taking with the AntSnes as well. This kind of sums up my Qt development strategy, since now I can use the same UI with all my emulators, so the porting process should be quicker. Also taking new updates to the UI should be a lot faster this way, since I can share UI updates between projects.

cool stuff:

30fps on N97!
cool UI with Qt
supports a lot of ROMs
know issues:

Audio is not yet implemented (I’m waiting for newer Qt release)
loading the state freezes the emulator in some games ( don’t worry, the batterysave still works)
Qt and SwEvent work together only on Nokia’s phones