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FreeOrion is an open source project that aims to provide a free and platform-independent game in the tradition of the Master of Orion games (released under the GPL).

Changes since the last release include:

* Progress on the 3D interactive combat system. This can be tested during regular games by running "freeorion --test-3d-combat" or directly by running "freeorion --tech-demo". This is not yet meant to be playable, however.
* Transitioned to CMake from SCons build system (Visual Studio and XCode projects are also still available)
* Tweaked planet population growth dependence on health
* Misc. content / effect fixes
* Various rendering tweaks and configurable options
* Made the expected locations of binary and data directories more flexible
* Fixed issue where running "freeorion -h" would still start the program after outputting help text for command-line options
* Added indicator to system resource summary to indicate when there is no import or export of a resource
*Added location indicator to production queue items
* Various AI script improvements
* Fixed bug where planets weren´t properly autoselected on production screen, preventing production items from being enqueued in certain situations
* Fixed issue where fleet buttons were rendered over top of sitrep or sidepanel
* Moved "Moving To Unknown System" or "Holding at System" text to fleet panels, rather than a separate text box below the fleets list on the fleets window
* Changed resource meter growth to +1/turn from a much more complicated formula
* Fixed issues with meter growth prediction
* Made ships regenerate 0.1 fuel/turn when not moving
* Fixed issue where previous effectsgroups´s target set were being used for subsequent effectsgroups, leading to problems with techs or buildings acting on the wrong objects
* Fixed issues with Number, NumberOf, WithinDistance, and Affiliation conditions
* Fixed issues with SetTechAvailability effect
* Added minimum population requirements, below which population of planets is set to 0, to prevent very small numbers being tracked
* Made buildings on a planet become owned by empires that colonize the planet
* Added missing TradeStockpile property for effect definitions
* Tweaked part tooltips on the design screen
* Expanded part encyclopedia entry text
* Added or fixed CreateBuilding and CreateShip effects and parsing
* Allowed full effectsgroup definitions to be added to ship parts and hulls, rather than just stat-setting effects
* Fixed issue with UI number rendering showing wrong numbers of digits
* Made systems with resource sharing connections provide fleet supply
* Completely reworked the visibility system to take into account stealth, detection and distance, and to have empire remember previously-seen but not-currently-visible objects and include these in displayed systems in GUI
* Added fog-of-war indicator on systems and planets that aren´t currently visible to player, but which the player previously had visibility of
* Fixed issue with unreadable text on research queue
* Added Stationary condition, that matches non-moving objects (for effects definitions)
* Added right-click popup command to split fleets
* Added the ability to right-click command buildings or ships to be scrapped or cancel scrapping. Ordered-scrapped ships aren´t included in fleet fuel and speed calculations. Ordered scrapped ships and buildings have a large red X over their icons.
* Added an optional coloured disc around objects to show thier visibility radius, and an additional optional slider to set the "assumed stealth level" that is deducted from visibility ring radius, to show how far away objects of the indicated stealth could be seen by ships, planets or buildngs
* Added a check for OpenGL version and automatic setting of some rendering options at first startup to hopefully prevent some crashes on systems without OpenGL 2.0 support
* Made default mouse mode non-exclusive on Win32, to avoid issues with disappearing mouse pointer
* Reworked planet panel rendering
* Changed UI default colour scheme
* Fixed issue with sidepanel scrollbar not showing up when needed
* Stored empire name and server address be remembered from game to game
* Disabled deleting of old autosaves when loading a save, to aide debugging
* Added safety / sanity checks to order execution to prevent AIs from crashing the game
* Removed MSVC 2005 project files
* Made resource distribution and fleet supply use known systems, rather than only currently-visible systems.
* Fixed issues with fleet arrival sitreps on turns when those fleets were also destroyed
* Fixed fleet window layout issues
* Fixed issue with inconsistency between expanded or collapsed panels on sidepanel in or out of production mode
* Fixed crash where dragging a fleet onto the ships list would crash
* Various translation updates
* Fixed some issues with old gamestate flashing on the screen briefly when loading another game, or with old galaxy map appearing over the intro screen after resigning or being disconnected.
* Fixed issue where meter accounting estimates were wrong when loading games
* Hid autogenerated effect / condition descriptions by default, since many people were complaining about how hard they were to understand. Showing nothing is probably better in most cases, but they can be turned back on if desired.
* Fixed starvation sitrep generation
* Fixed code that determine the directory where the running binary is located on various operating systems
* Reworked automatic combat resolution so that combats can occur over several turns, and ships and planets can be damaged (see ship health indicator and planet construction dropping).
* Added a planet captured sitrep message
* Disabled system name multi-empire colouring due to issue it was causing when interacting with underlining or bolding of system names to indicate presence of a shipyard or homeworld
* Added option to specify player´s name in single player
* Fixed missing close X on FleetWnd
* Fixed issue with "byte order mark" in stringtable files
* Improved credits scroll rendering
* Added an optional zoom slider to the map
* Added utility variable "Value" to set meter effects, to allow modifying the existing value that´s being set without needing $#@!bersome variables like "Target.MaxFarming"
* Separated full screen and windowed resolution options
* Made clicking on a tech on the queue show that tech in the encyclopedia
* Made players joining multiplayer lobbies for new games be assigned different colours from any other players in the lobby, and be assigned empire name equal to their player names
* Added meters to ships to store / determine their part stat values (range, ROF, damage), and effects to modify these meters
* Added backup stringtable lookup in the English table. This means that missing strings in translated stringtables will be shown as English text, rather than an error message in game.
* Tweaked layout of multiplayer lobby screen
* Added --load and --auto-advance-first-turn console commands to load a single player save with the specified name and to autmatically advance the turn once, which are useful for debugging.
* Fixed issue with SitRep being stuck under other windows on the map screen.
* Fixed issue where button text on intro screen would overflow available space
* Fixed up FreeOrion icon file to have multiple resolutions, and to be used for the Win32 window and executable file.
* Fixed some issues with Win32 installer and uninstaller.