Mafia 2 designer, Alex Cox has discussed his game's 'aim for realism', which seems to have affected a number of game features in the open-world crime spree.

"Our design rule is, 'two shots to kill baddies', whereas Vito can take four or five hits. That's not much punishment, and ties in with our aim for realism," Cox told Xbox World 360.

Not only will you want to avoid getting into a shootout, you'll also want to obey the speed limit. What kind of a game is this?

"We really strived for a persistent police presence," continued Cox.

"You'll be able to upgrade your favourite ride. The downside being that if the cops recognize your license plates your vehicle can become persistently wanted."

"It's meant to make players care about their driving. You can even run out of petrol if you drive the same car for too long, so you need to fill her up at the station."

May we suggest a mini-game where you have to stop the pump on exactly 20 quid?