Having staved off some pretty fierce criticism of its controversial online-required DRM in some of its PC titles, Ubisoft has at last received a welcome spot of corporate backing from fellow publisher Namco Bandai.
Speaking to CVG, Namco Bandai VP Olivier Comte says that Ubisoft’s method is not without merit.
“I will be very honest,” he confessed. “I think it's good for one reason – I have no alternative today. Is the best one? Certainly not but as of today if I can make something else I'll do it, but it's better to do something than not do something. 

“At the moment they are doing a good strategy.”
However, that isn’t to say that Comte has settled on a similar DRM policy on upcoming Namco PC releases such as The Witcher 2 and Test Drive Unlimited 2.
“We are analysing all of the situations,” he continued. “We have seen what Ubi and EA are doing, we've seen what Sony have announced for PS3 and it's clear that we need to make some choices.

“I'm convinced that whatever system you put in place you can be sure that two hours before putting it out it'll be cracked in Russia. I think that the combat against piracy is very complicated because it's very complicated to explain to a 12-year-old that drag and dropping a file on a PC is piracy - he was born with this.”
Just yesterday World of Warcraft developer Blizzard stated its belief that the whole DRM chase is "a losing battle”.
