Aside from its 3D overhaul, Dutch developer Guerrilla has said that there will be another key difference between Killzone 3 and its predecessor – variety.
“I think what Killzone 2 suffered from was the amount of variety that was in the environments and the in the minute-to-minute stuff that you did and we really wanted to up that,” producer Ter Heide told CVG.
“A lot of the variety in Killzone 2 took place in the final couple of chapters where all of a sudden you've got this big kind of mech suit. A lot of people didn't actually reach that stage.
“We look at what people do and we take on board feedback that we've gotten from the forums and from you guys to figure out the things that we need to do and variety's a big thing.”
Heide goes on to site a number of examples from the new game that fans of the series’ won’t have seen before. For instance, one on-rails section sees players tackling enemies from above. Then, of course, there’s the inclusion of jet packs for the first time.