Anyone who thinks PlayStation move is simply Wii on PS3 has got it wrong – that’s the message Sony wants to put out ahead of its more detailed reveal of Move at E3 next month.

Several high-profile commentators, including the likes of Nintendo boss Reggie Fils-Aime and analyst Michael Pachter, have dismissed Move as simply a clone of the existing machine.

However, much like Sega boss Mike Hayes, Sony thinks the comparison is wide of the mark.

“It’s inevitable that people would say this is Wii on PS3,” UK PR boss David Wilson told MCV. “But we see it as a complimentary product. It’s a different proposition.

“And let’s not forget, we’ve been in this space before with EyeToy and all the rest of it. There are learnings there. It’s not alien territory for us but we need to educate people about the potential that it has.”


Sales director Mark Howsen added: “Wii was deliberately pick up and play. We completely understand that and, let’s be honest, they’ve done a superb job.

“I think with Move it’s all about appealing to skill. It’s about the learning curve that’s built into the experience. It provides that satisfaction you’re talking about. The more you play the better you get. That’s part and parcel of the traditional gaming experience.”