"Let’s be honest, Microsoft has done a bad job at promoting both its Zune HD product and the Zune brand itself. One reason most people say Microsoft jumped into the mp3 market was to compete with Apple and iTunes. Fast forward and Microsoft Zune is barely a whisper. Apple currently controls the mp3 market, Microsoft is not even in 2nd place. Sandisk holds that position. I’ve come up with a few suggestions that Ballmer needs to do to make Zune better"

A blogger by the handle of THEPHOENIX720 has posted five things that he feels Microsoft needs to do to make the Zune a success. And let’s not beat around the bush here, I think the Zune really is, from a sales standpoint, a failure. The technology of the platform is sound but Microsoft dropped every ball it could with it. THEPHOENIX720 is pretty much right on the money with his suggestions. The only problem is that Microsoft should have done everything he suggested YEARS ago.

Now it’s never too late to remake yourself or a product. Apple, in the past decade, has enjoyed a resurgence that no one can claim they saw coming. Microsoft made a huge blunder with Windows Vista only to completely recover with Windows 7. Companies and product lines can be salvaged. But Microsoft has to make an effort! Apple didn’t save itself only by making some good hardware. The iPod itself is a good MP3 player but their advertising campaign was perfect. Their advertising for their computers, iPhones, and iPad have all been right on the money.

Microsoft however couldn’t convince you to buy an umbrella in a downpour. I don’t know why that is. The other points about product synergy and pushing the Zune Pass all SEEM obvious. Yet, Microsoft has never followed through. The original promises of what the Zune could be are finally starting to come to fruition on the Zune HD but never really quite made it there.

In a way, I think Microsoft should go with his fifth option, which is to kill the Zune HD. Before you get too outraged, hear me out! Windows Phone 7 has Zune capability. The Kin has Zune capability. Clearly, Zune has finally become more than just about the Zune player. With the Zune available in multiple formats, Microsoft should do what they did with Vista and give us a "new" Zune. Then you can push the heck out of it. Not saying it would work but sometimes wrapping a good product in a new package lets you promote it in new ways. Microsoft doesn’t even measure on the market share meter here so what do they really have to lose?

What does anyone else think Microsoft can do to get the Zune back on track?
