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Sony has eagerly announced the 3D launch for PS3, however, some of us are less excited over the upcoming blur relying on optical contraptions. Quote: 'Hi everyone! The moment is here - starting tomorrow, high-definition stereoscopic 3D gaming will be available in your very own living rooms! As you already know, all PlayStation 3 systems are already equipped with everything they need to play stereoscopic 3D games. Thanks to a free firmware update released this past April [editors note: which also crippled the system by removing 'Other OS'], the PS3 system is the only console on the market that can support full stereoscopic 3D gaming - right from your living room, and with no additional charge.' Christofer Sundberg over at Avalanche Studios commented recently on 3D gaming in an interview and I think he is right, even if I doubt any game would benefit from 3D. Quote: 'Some games will benefit from it and some will not. The industry needs more better games, stop releasing crappy movie license games and stop trusting new tech stuff and gadgets to save it from coming to a creative halt.