A Mel B fitness game has been announced for Kinect. That's right, Mel B is going to be in your living room...sensing you (scared!).

The game's on show at developer Black Bean's E3 booth. Here's the reasoning:

"We were looking to the future of interaction in Family & Lifestyle products, not just as a porting of a dated experience but as a fresh new vision", says Fabrizio Vagliasindi, strategic corporate coordinator at Black Bean Games.

"Get Fit With Mel B is going into that direction, trying to redesign the feeling of interaction with a trendy approach to a user interface."

We'd like to say that the announcement of a Mel B fitness game for Kinect represents her career waning slightly, but let's face facts, it's worse than that.

Back in the 90's and the early Noughties a fitness video was the sign of a career going down the pan. Welcome to the future, times have changed, now Z-list celebrity careers end on consoles.

Sure, she looks great, but what if she opens her mouth. What if?!

Enough of her. Expect more Kinect releases at the Microsoft conference.
