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Thread: Ok, A Decision Is Close... M3 or G6?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Default Ok, A Decision Is Close... M3 or G6?

    Ok, I have decided to go with the M3 Lite or the G6 Lite.

    The only thing I would like to know now, are there any bundle paks for these items... (i.e: CF, Passcard, Mem Card included?)

    Oh and I want at least a 1 GB card, question is which card would be best for each of those adapters?

    Keep the suggestions coming, my final decision will be made in the next 2 weeks. (waiting to see what M3 Lite has).

  2. #2


    M3 Lite uses microSD and nothing else. G6 Lite has built-in, non-upgradable flash memory.

    The biggest size that a G6 Lite comes in is 512MB (or 4G) and it runs much faster than removable flash memory cards. It also has the GBA sized case so you can use it in an original DS or GBA.

    microSD cards go up to 1GB right now, and the 2GB are being announced. I don't know if the M3 Lite will have the changable GBA sized case.

    I got a G6 Lite because 512MB is plenty just for games and homebrew. If you want to play music and watch movies then you may want the M3 Lite for the extra space.

    Edit: Real Hot Stuff has a G6 Lite/Passcard 3 bundle, but it says it's out of stock so I don't know when they're supposed to have them. Divineo sells both separately for about the same price. No one has anything for the M3 Lite just yet.

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