GPF (Troy Davis) has posted this following news about his port of the Gameboy Advance Emulator Visual Boy Advance to the Deamcast, heres what he posted in a DCEmu Forum Topic [br][br] Little update. [br] [br]I have added controller support when playing a game, I still have to implement controller support in the menus. [br] [br]Need some suggestions on what the keys should be mapped as. [br] [br]Currently I have the joystick mapped to directions. Left trigger is left shoulder button, Right trigger is right shoulder button. GBA - 'A" key is the X button on the dreamcast, and the GBA - 'B" key is the A button on the dreamcast, Start button - Start and finally the select key is the Y button on the dreamcast. [br] [br]Thanks, [br] [br]Troy [br][br]More info Here