Nintendo has announced The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword, the latest entry in the popular RPG series.
Shown for the first time at Nintendo’s E3 press conference, the game returns to the cel-shaded look first seen in The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
The game is due out for Wii next year.
It requires the MotionPlus add-on, with players wielding the Remote and Nunchuk like a shield and sword.
“I think this game will be remembered as a key turning point in Nintendo’s history,” said Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto.

“I think that history is of refining this interface [gesture to shield and sword] into something that is not too complicated.”
Miyamoto also claimed the development team consulted with the minds behind Wii Sports Resort for certain control mechanics. For example, the slingshot can be used as the bow and arrow were in last year's sports compilation.