Epic Games has shown off the new Beast mode for Gears of War 3 that Cliff Bleszinski announced at Microsoft's E3 conference on Monday.

Beast is like Horde in reverse, apparently - in other words, you play as the Locust and face waves of humans.

It's not that simple though - you can pick between different classes of Locust and earn Tokens by murdering enemies and not dying, which you can then spend on more powerful variations.

For example, you might start out as a Ticker - the little bomb-wearing self-destructing bastards from Gears of War 2 - and depending on how you approach the development tree you could eventually graduate to a Mauler Boomer, or if you choose a different path you might end up as one of those bow-and-arrow gits who whisper a lot.

There's way more details on the progression in Beast, and how it feels to play (hint: excellent) in our newly minted Gears of War 3 hands-on preview, so you might as well read that.

Sadly there was no sign of the campaign mode at E3 beyond the trailer, but perhaps we'll learn more at gamescom in August.

Gears of War 3 is due out on 8th April 2011.
