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Thread: New 360 invented 'before Sony announced PS3 Slim'

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    xbox 360 New 360 invented 'before Sony announced PS3 Slim'

    Microsoft's decision to create a 'skinny' version of Xbox 360 has raised some eyebrows amongst industry watchers - as the E3 announcement comes just under a year after Sony revealed their own lean PS3.

    But the Redmond-based platform holder has insisted that Sony's sleek 'Slim' console - announced in August 2009 - didn't influence the creation of the new 250GB Xbox.

    Microsoft took the wraps off its new hardware SKU at the end of its E3 conference last week - to plenty of applause and whoops from the crowd.

    When CVG asked Microsoft's worldwide product marketing manager for Xbox, Ryan Moore, if Sony's latest console had inspired the new 360, he replied:

    "I think the decision to do this was made before their announcements last year. It's part of the natural generation of a console to refine the components and make it sleeker and quieter and all that.

    "I wouldn't say it was directly related [to PS3 Slim]."

    The current slim Xbox 360 model comes with internal Wi-Fi, a 250GB hard drive and retails for $299 (£199) - but it's reported that Microsoft will release a cheaper SKU later in the year.

  2. #2


    Sony does a slim version of every console so really they planned the Ps3 slim 10 years ago, and Ps4 will most likely have one as well so this is just a meaningless statement from MS.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend Eviltaco64's Avatar
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    It's actually not quite natural to slim down console hardware. Microsoft obviously never made an Xbox S and Nintendo hasn't slimmed down a console since the SNES.

    Truth is, the PS3 Slim attracted more customers and the 360's sales began to slow down. In order to combat that, they released a sleeker, slimmer console.

    It's not really even a big deal, but damn, why lie about it?

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