Square will work on supporting the PlayStation Move controller in the PS3 version of Final Fantasy XIV Online if it "gets the chance to do so", says the firm's senior vice president of software development Hiromichi Tanaka.

"Unfortunately, we haven't had chance to try it out yet but we've heard very interesting things about it and we'd like to look at supporting it in Final Fantasy XIV, if we get the chance to do so," he told the EU PS Blog during an E3 interview last week.

He goes on to warn that it's by no means a certainty at this point: "However, at the moment I would say that there are no current plans."

Rather interestingly, Tanaka also expressed Square's belief that console versions of MMOs should be identical to their PC counterparts, as re-working them dilutes the experience.

How would you want to see Move support work with the MMO? Give them some ideas...
