Microsoft has insisted that the Xbox 360 is just as 3D ready as the PS3, though has once again iterated that it’s not diving headfirst into the 3D sector just yet.
“We have 3D games,” Xbox global marketing boss Albert Penello told CVG. “Obviously the Avatar game came out last year and the console fully supports 3D. From a technical side, there's nothing about it we can't do. In fact, we're already doing it today.”
Penello went on to echo comments made at E3 that, unlike Sony which is charging full-tilt into the 3D revolution, Microsoft is sitting back and seeing how 3D uptake pans out before potentially making its move.
“We're going to take more of an attitude of seeing what the adoption looks like,” the exec added. “For us, it's more going to be let's see what the consumers say. Let's see what happens on the TV side and the sell-through side. It's something I think we're going to follow on, and that we're fine to follow on.
“I think that when we decide we want to jump into 3D it'll be because the consumer's voted.”