Greystripe has announced that it's updated its iPhone advertising SDK over the air, to ensure it works properly with Apple's new iOS 4 software.
That means developers using Greystripe's ad units won't have to tweak their apps to continue running the ads under the new OS version.
Greystripe is trumpeting the over-the-air nature of the update, claiming it means developers won't need to resubmit their apps for approval.
That's slightly misleading though: developers ARE resubmitting their apps anyway, either to show they've been tested with iOS 4, or because they're using its new multi-tasking features.
However, Greystripe is also claiming that its SDK is fully compliant with Apple's changed terms and conditions for developers.

"Any developers negatively affected by Apple’s new OS or the change in the developer terms and conditions should contact Greystripe," says VP of strategy and publisher development Erica Chriss.
"Our easy to integrate SDK can have your apps ad-enabled in a matter of hours."