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Thread: Buying New PSP - Plan to Homebrew (Firmware? Help)

  1. #1

    Default Buying New PSP - Plan to Homebrew (Firmware? Help)

    I finally am going to buy a PSP. I wanted one before they came out but I decided not to buy one right away cuz the games dont interest me that much. Well I heard about the emulation and homebrew capabilities and with the recent $50 prich drop I am gonna buy one! The problem is, I don't want to get stuck with a firmware that doesn't allow for Homebrew/Emulation. I found this site that tells you how to know what firmware your psp is. Do you think they still sell psps with the 1.5 firmware in stores or you think they are all updated. I was gonna get mine at Best Buy but I think you gotta ask for them to get you one out of the glass (or maybe that is just wal*mart) and I dont think they will let me check them all, lol. Where is a good place to buy one or order one from the net?

    *On a side note = is there anything else I need to purchase besides the psp and the memory stick in order to homebrew? Does it come with a USB connector for your PC?

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by anime_fanatic21
    I finally am going to buy a PSP. I wanted one before they came out but I decided not to buy one right away cuz the games dont interest me that much. Well I heard about the emulation and homebrew capabilities and with the recent $50 prich drop I am gonna buy one! The problem is, I don't want to get stuck with a firmware that doesn't allow for Homebrew/Emulation. I found this site that tells you how to know what firmware your psp is. Do you think they still sell psps with the 1.5 firmware in stores or you think they are all updated. I was gonna get mine at Best Buy but I think you gotta ask for them to get you one out of the glass (or maybe that is just wal*mart) and I dont think they will let me check them all, lol. Where is a good place to buy one or order one from the net?

    *On a side note = is there anything else I need to purchase besides the psp and the memory stick in order to homebrew? Does it come with a USB connector for your PC?
    You are gonna have to buy a usb cable, and I believe that all the PSP's out there are 2.** and up but you should go to gamestop or eb games and look for one there. As long as you get a PSP 2.00, 2.50, or 2.60 and it is not a TA-082 you can downgrade it to a 1.5fm. Hope that helps.

  3. #3


    Yes you helped me! I have a few questions yet though...

    * Will it say "TA-082" or other on the box? If so, where?

    * The site I posted really only shows you how to tell if it is 1.5 - 2.01 with the "letter" thing... Does anyone know which letter goes with 2.50 and 2.60 so I make sure to get one of those?

    I also read this:

    If you are 2.01, 2.50 or 2.60, YOU ARE SCREWED (for now). You CANNOT play homebrew. (for the time being.) You CANNOT downgrade. (for the time being.) However they're making progress with the GTA Exploit, so soon you will be able to play homebrew.

    anyways, you said 2.50 and 2.60 are ok? So those ones work? I dont want to have to buy GTA in order for me to downgrade or have to buy a mod chip...

  4. #4
    Master Malk1th Malksta's Avatar
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    You MUST have GTA in order to downgrade with a psp which is not TA-082.

    That's all the help i can give =.=
    secret message!
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  5. #5
    Registered User NoQuarter's Avatar
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    2.6 can be downdated as long as it is not factory issued I believe. To identify a ta-o82 you have to look in the umd drive at the little piece of motherboard visible,there should be no numbers on there.As for GTA rent it,just be sure to check the version numbers on the disk.You might be better off buying a used one as most game store employees will let you check it out first,I've had several friends find compatible psp's with this method.

  6. #6
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    I downgraded my factory 2.6, worked perfectly.

  7. #7
    Registered User NoQuarter's Avatar
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    Really that is awesome to know.I had just read warnings about factory 2.6.I wonder if there is a patched factory 2.6 floating around?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by NoQuarter
    2.6 can be downdated as long as it is not factory issued I believe. To identify a ta-o82 you have to look in the umd drive at the little piece of motherboard visible,there should be no numbers on there.As for GTA rent it,just be sure to check the version numbers on the disk.You might be better off buying a used one as most game store employees will let you check it out first,I've had several friends find compatible psp's with this method.
    Can you see the UMD Drive where "ta-o82" might be through the box? Is there a little open space there? Or do you just have to buy one and hope it isn't "ta-o82"?

    What do you mean by "just be sure to check the version numbers on the disk"?

    So basically what I need to downgrade/homebrew is a USB cable and Grand Theft Auto? Is that it? Grand Theft Auto is needed to downgrade all versions, is that correct?

  9. #9
    Registered User NoQuarter's Avatar
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    No there is no way to see inside the umd drive through the box,That's why it's probably better to go to a game store.I've actually convinced them to let me inspect brand new psp's by pulling them out of the box,also you will have better luck finding a used one for homebrew.Sony changed their number system on the outside of the box.Maybe somebody has a list.

    GTA has two versions one is unpatched and the other is not compatible just google it,I don't know the version number scheme.

    That is correct unless you find a 2.0 or below,that makes everything easier no GTA needed.I personally have never had to deal with this,I've always lucked out and found 2.0 or below

  10. #10


    ^ Thank you so much, you have cleared it all up for me basically. Thanks everyone else to for helping me out. I have my eye on one on eBay but if it gets too pricey I will probably just look at used ones in the gaming store although I am a "new" freak - can't really stand used, even if in "good condition", lol. I really was hoping to get one from Best Buy bevause I have a $40 gift card to there!

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