Better late than never. Spotify has announced that it has submitted an updated version of its iPhone app for approval by Apple, including iOS 4 features.
Specifically, the app will use the new software's third-party multi-tasking capabilities, enabling it to play music in the background while users do other things on their devices.
iOS 4 was made available to consumers last Monday, and Spotify users have been wondering why the app couldn't multi-task since then.
In the US, music app Pandora had the feature ready for launch - unsurprising, given that the company's app was used to show off iOS 4's multi-tasking on-stage at WWDC, and before that at the iOS 4 unveiling.
For Spotify, supporting multi-tasking should boost usage of its app, while bringing it into line with the Android and Symbian versions.

"To make up for the extra little wait time we’ve added a nice little surprise to make Spotify mobile even more exciting for you," blogs the company's Andres Sehr. Users will have to wait for Apple's approval to find out what that is.