Back in the days of the NES, Nintendo toured the country with now collectible Nintendo World Championship cartridges. This summer, Nintendo is doing something similar for Wii.

Nintendo is bringing Wiis to Six Flags amusement parks and a few malls in search of the best Wii Sports bowlers. That’s one of the five events in the Wii Games: Summer 2010 event. The others activities are Wii Sport Resort’s 3-point basketball challenge, Wii Fit Plus’ Hula Hoop mini-game, Mario Kart Wii’s Mushroom Gorge track in time trial mode, and the coin battle in New Super Mario Bros.

Top teams in each division will fly to Los Angeles for the finals where they get a Wii Games jersey and a chance to win all of Nintendo’s first party Wii games for a year.

The official site has a list of locations, dates, rules and scoring details. Did you know Nintendo multiplies your bowling score by 10 to calculate your tournament score? Now you do.