News/release from syslock

Hi there,

recently Chinese Touch version 1.3 was released and can be downloaded from the project page at Google Code. I added release notes describing the differences regarding to the previous release version 1.2 to the wiki. Some of those new features where already supported by the latest dev snapshot by the time of my previous blog post here at Drunken Coders. While lookups from large dictionaries and dynamic word lists where already supported back then, many bugs and instabilities have been fixed since, some ui components have been improved and you get more flexibility when generating different kinds of word lists from the lesson menu now. I also started to write a user manual, though its still somewhat incomplete.

If you’d like to help out coding new features, writing docs, contributing ideas or finding bugs, you are welcome! Just leave a comment or send me an email.

There are many things on my TODO list, some of them being:

Improve dictionary converter scripts and try to pack as many meanings as possible into a single result list entry, so you do not have to browse that much to get the right meaning
Provide a character dictionary with images from the CJK stroke order project at
Heavily optimize font rendering code
Support different user interface languages
Add possibility to add acoustic spelling samples to dictionary entries (maybe using the DS microphone)
Add possibility to add arbitrary images to dictionary entries (maybe using the DSi cameras some day…)
Add radical stroke lookup mode (Need a source dataset! Ideas?)
Add Chinese handwriting recognition some day…
Fix known bugs and shortcomings