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Thread: Scrolling maps + collision

  1. #1

    Default Scrolling maps + collision

    I was wondering how todo scrolling bg's with collision. So if you have a "floating platform" and you want your AI or charactr to jump onto it, how would you go about implemting this? I'm thinking along the lines of where you have world1 = {}
    3434333} as your level. I know that won't work ^^ but you get the idea.


  2. #2
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    Is this with a tiled world (e.g Super Mario World) or the currently popular single background image (e.g. Linken's Quest)?

  3. #3


    Um, single bg... But I would like to know tile also... As I might change it

  4. #4
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    If it is single bg, you may as well define the collision areas in the script as is done in Linken's quest but in a table so you can do a simple for loop rather then writing the functions calls dozens of times.

    If it is tiled then depending on how you store the map data (eg table/array of tile numbers), you have another structure the same size as the map data and have your collidable areas defined as one value, and non-collidable areas as another.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by yaustar
    If it is single bg, you may as well define the collision areas in the script as is done in Linken's quest but in a table so you can do a simple for loop rather then writing the functions calls dozens of times.

    If it is tiled then depending on how you store the map data (eg table/array of tile numbers), you have another structure the same size as the map data and have your collidable areas defined as one value, and non-collidable areas as another.
    Thats where I'm a little grey with. Could you explain it, maybe a small example?

  6. #6
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    I can't since I don't have a tiling engine in Lua but I can give you a C/C++ example:

    // Note: this won't compile and is coded straight from the hip so design errors all over the place but
    // should give you the general idea

    // Each tile is 8x8 pixels
    #define SIZE_OF_TILE 8

    // A map array of arranged tiles used from a tileset
    int MapData[] =
    1, 2, 4, 7, 1, 3, 4,
    4, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 5

    // Overlapping collision data
    int CollisionData[] =
    1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
    0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0

    // The width and height in tiles of the map
    #define WIDTH_OF_MAP 7
    #define HEIGHT_OF_MAP 2

    // Players position in the world
    int OldPositionX = 20, CurrentPositionX = 20;
    int OldPositionY = 20, CurrentPositionY = 20;

    // Move the player
    if (JOYPADINPUT == RIGHT) // Check pad input
    // Store the old position
    OldPositionX = CurrentPositionX;

    // Move the player

    // Check for collision
    // Find where the player is on the map
    int MapPositionX = CurrentPositionX / SIZE_OF_TILE;
    int MapPositionY = CurrentPositionY / SIZE_OF_TILE;

    // Check the tile
    if (CollisionData[ (MapPositionY * WIDTH_OF_MAP) + MapPositionX ] == 1 )
    // If there is a collision, then revert to the old position
    CurrentPositionX = OldPositionX;
    Do you have a tiling engine or know how one works? If you don't, it becomes extremely difficult to explain how the collision works.

  7. #7


    No I do not... Havent had to use one. But I think a scrolling bg will work fine for my current project. And that c++ tile engine will come in handy also , Thanks!

  8. #8
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    Basicaly, when you have a tiling engine working, you see how the collisions will work much more easily. Not sure if luaplayer is up to the job though :/

  9. #9


    Well Charlie is working on a tile engine in lua, but Its quite confusing... many loops and variables depending on vaiables.... I think I'll stick with the scrolling bg

  10. #10
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    That sounds about right, I be interested to see the performence that Charlie gets when it is finished as I can imagine it being rather slow. If he/she needs any help, just tell him/her to drop me a line.

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