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Thanks to the sources jas0nuk recently published by the Russian coder Yoti PSPident release a new version of the homebrew can provide useful information regarding the hardware many of our portable console . This new release , bringing the program to version 0.6, will allow us to detect the new motherboard TA- 090v2 , will also be possible to know some information about the player's firmware UMD .
Following the full changelog and download link .

Changelog v0.51 - v0.6 :


- More information on the console

- It 's possible to detect the TA- 090v2

v0.52 - 12:53
- Some cosmetic changes
- Two translations : English and Russian

- Changed the line dedicated to the kernel version
- Added version FuseID / FusaCFG
- It ' may find some information about the player UMD