New release from RedLine99:

Drive Tools 1.00 Build 0001

Some Tools for working with Xbox Drives

Full VB6 Source Included
Full SPTI and ASPI Support

Supports: TS-H943A, GDR-3120L and SH-D162C

(Drives may not support each feature)

Current Features:

Save Firmware
Get Drive Key
Unlock Drive
Get Security Sector
Get PFI Sector
Get DMI Sector

Credit should be given to members of the scene, I've tried to
give credit in the source to the respected authors. In most
cases I've just taken info and work from them and reworked for
my implementation. My thanks go to them and if I've left any
out or boogered it in anyway please let me know.

EDIT: Forgot to mentioned it is mostly designed for the current versions of the firmwares available.
GDR-3120L; garyopa's 2.0+
TS-H943A; c4e all versions designed for ss extraction
SH-D162C; kreon .51+

More Info