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The pace of releases has slowed to WiiXplorer but here is the R188 of the file browser on the Wii made by dimok and r-win.

Are also available Forwarder v5 and alternative Forwarder The Leathl & Jeanny

WiiXplorer :
- copy / move / delete / rename files and folders from SMB / USB / SD / DVD
- View the properties of a file or folder
- Do a search on SD / USB / SMB / DVD / WiiDisk
- Launch a file .dol / .elf
- See the videos of Wii and GameCube
- Open files. TXT /. / XML . MP3 / .OGG / .wav / . SNB / . AIFF
- Read the images formats . PNG / . jpeg / . GIF / . BMP / . BPD / . TGA /. TIFF / . GD /. GD2
- Slideshow and zoom images
- Convert images to formats . PNG / . jpeg / . GIF / . BMP /. TIFF / . GD /. GD2
- Making screenshots
- Explore and decompress archives in formats. ZIP /. rar / zip .7 / . BNR / . U8Archive / . RARC
- Read file . PDF
- FTP Client and FTP Server
- Text Editor
- Support with USB2 cIOS202
- Supports the FAT file system and NTFS
- Address bar with road access
- Multi-language
- Support for different fonts
- AutoUpdate

- Reduced memory usage on recursive copy/move/delete/md5check. The memory is now freed after a process directly and not at the end of all the processes. This leaves more memory for further operations and so for further sub-folders. This should fix the crash on copy/move/delete/md5check of large directories and/or directories with many sub-folders.
- Language files updated

- Fixed CodeDump with Properties of empty paths and empty root directory. Shows now the path, the devicesize and free space instead.
- A lot internal ListMode Browser changes
- Added FileSizes to the right of the ListMode Browser
- Added "Time left" to the ProgressBar. I placed it right now under the first bar and might move it later when i got new graphics if i find a better place for it.
- The new libfat is causing more problems than it is actually fixing. Reverting to the old one.
- DI source update

- New MD5 Logger added.
You can find it in the context menu. You can do the MD5 Check of several files/folders at once. If you do the check on one or more folders, all the sub-folder and it's contents will be checked as well (recursive check). The result is written to an MD5.log file with all information about the process (Errors/Files/Folder...). If the file already exists, the new log will be appended. Be aware that the log is using the Unix '\n' linebreaks if you are using Windows. Just use a proper editor and not Notepad.
- Added multiple file support for Properties. If you select more than one item (folder/file) they will be all counted in the Properties.
- Fixed bug with ProgressBar Color not being saved
- Added Total ProgressBar. The code from R184 is now used. Now there are two ProgressBars each time. I used the current graphics and rescaled them a bit. This is temporary till NeoRame is ready with the new images.
- Changed the speed calculation to overall process calculation.
- Some optimizations in a few places