EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich says the £129.99 ($149.99 in US) asking price of Microsoft's Kinect peripheral is "appropriate".

Disagreeing with comments from Wedbush man Michael Pachter, who reckons Kinect is "too expensive", Divnich thinks the device still has the potential to sell to the masses considering "previous peripherals with mass-market appeal, such as band kits, have sold millions of units worldwide even while priced north of $150."

Divnich notes that said band kits were only for use with one game at release, and restricted to the music genre, while Kinect has a far broader use and potential shelf life.

"Kinect should not be viewed as a typical video game peripheral that is retired from one's active playlist after 90 days, but rather a consumer enabling device that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with all forms of media on a daily basis," he said, adding that it's "crucial to rekindling the energy among the casual and mainstream audience, the same audience that has exacerbated software revenue declines since 2009."