New special offer from Play Asia

After your plane crashes into icy uncharted waters, you discover a rusted bathysphere and descend into Rapture, a city hidden beneath the sea.

Constructed as an idealistic society for a hand picked group of scientists, artists and industrialists, the idealism is no more. Now the city is littered with corpses, wildly powerful guardians roam the corridors as little girls loot the dead, and genetically mutated citizens ambush you at every turn.

BioShock forces you to question the lengths to which you will go and how much of your humanity you will save your own life.

BioShock is loaded with some of greatest, most modifiable weapons to ever blast their way into a shooter. But guns alone won’t be enough to defeat the devious AIs of Rapture. There are literally hundreds of other strategies players can use to take out his enemies.

Chainsaws, rifles and fountains of blood uncensored. Bioshock the PlayStation3 version is available for an unbeatable bargain price of US$ 13.90 only.