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the gpSP is a gameboy advance emulator originally written by Exophase. And now it’s ported to the Symbian OS!

This is a small patch for the previous version, so no real need to update for Nokia users. However Samsung users might want to test this one ;-)

I have been a bit lazy in gpsp development. I’m currently waiting for more stuff from Qt Mobility project. The current version give only 8khz mono audio, while I would like to have at least 22100hz stereo. I still might implement the audio with standard Symbian API’s. I just would like to wait for the Qt API stuff, since then I would keep the maximum compatibility to Symbian^4 and even to the upcoming Meego. Bot of them should fully support all Qt mobility APIs according to Nokia.

gpSP mainview

What’s new:

Support for Samsung i8910
Polished mainview
fixed the common settings bug with AntSnesQt
few other minor bugs fixes