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Ant512 proposed version 0.99.2 Beta "Woopsi" GUI library for creating homebrew DS model fenestration ofAmiga OS .

Woopsi 0.99.2 Is Now Out . Grab it from SourceForge, as usual :

The System Has HAD Some are minor changes made . I finally got around to ripping out the Font and MonoFont classes , have the class PackedFont Sami Perform the job with far more efficiency. They've Been Moved To The ' extras ' directory in the SVN repository in case anyone should " Ever need a reference for Creating New classes are .

All of the monochrome fonts That ship as part of the library classes are now PackedFont1 INSTEAD of PackedFont16 . Highlighted this a bug in the bmp2font . NET pro That Is included in Woopsi 's "tools "directory - It Was Relatively Allocating huge bitmaps for the data do INSTEAD of the tiny bitmaps That Were Really Necessary . I've deleted the " CourierMono " It Was year are as exact duplicate of the " Courier "font . The GlyphFont PackedFont16 Is a class -based INSTEAD of a class -based Font .

This exchange Have Reduced Significantly quite Woopsi 's footprint :

1.5MB From The size of the library Woopsi ;
2MB from the sourcecode ;
From The 400K ROM packedfont example ;
helloworld example from the 60K ROM.
A big saving for very little work .

Other exchanges include Replacing the x, y , width and height membres du gadget class with an instance of the Rect class ( Itself Converted from a struct) . A lot of the work clipping can now therefore Be Within The body rect Rather Than THROUGHOUT the codebase .

The classes include FileRequester FileListBox and has getPath ( ) Method That Allows a developer to determine the file requester directory Which IS pointing at .

- Replaced code in clipping Gadgets : : clipRectToHierarchy () with call to new
Rect functions.
- PackedFont16 : renderChar () abort Correctly If There is Nothing to render
( Lakedaemon ) .
- Bitmap: : getData ( x, y ) no longer Declared inline ( Lakedaemon ) .
- Renamed to gunsuh15.bmp and gunsuhche15.bmp gungsuh15.bmp and
gungsuhche15.bmp respectively.
- It Was Deleted CourierMono have exact duplicate of year Courier .
- Converted to PackedFont1 MOST fonts .
- Converted to GlyphFont PackedFont16 ( Manually Altered class to force
fixed -width ) .
- Removed Font and MonoFont classes ( classes PackedFont are faster and more
efficient ).
- bmp2font upgraded to latest version - no follow Creates Gigantic arrays in
PackedFont1 fonts ; Removed support for Font and MonoFont classes.

New Features:
- Added getPath () to FileRequester and FileListBox .
- Converted Rect struct to class.
- Added Gadget : : getRelativeX ( ) and getRelativeY () .
- Replaced x, y , width and height of members with a gadget class Rect .