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ThatOtherPerson offers an update Maze Generator for the Wii , maze game that generates random mazes .

Here ya une Another update for old game of mine .

Completely rewrote everything and I Made Some Improvements. You can now select from Three sizes of mazes to generate and navigate . The way collisions are Handled with the maze walls and IS Significantly different as a result ITS cutting easier to go around corners. I added background music ( by Southbound Cinema Lose It ) . Support for Both nunchuck and classic controllers has-been added goal Still you can of course play with just a Wiimote directional pad if you want to.

Also I Had started " working for you in Enemies to Avoid Which would bounce around the screen (passing -through the maze walls ) goal in the end I Decided Against It and cut them out ... If you want to play That Kind Of Game Is Always There Avoidance .