Future’s Golden Joystick Awards is proud to announce ITN’s Game On as a media partner for this year’s event, which will be held in London on 29th October.

ITN’s popular and fast growing Game On show will create exclusive and extensive footage of the awards which attracted over 1.2 million public votes last year. There will be a series of specially created video clips providing a run down of each category in the 2010 Golden Joystick Awards.
There are some new awards this year, including The ITN Game On Shooter of the Year and honours for the best titles in specific genres, including Action, Strategy and Music.

Mark Browning, Managing Director at ITN Productions said, “As the UK’s leading entertainment show on video gaming online, we’re delighted to be working with the UK’s biggest games awards. We look forward to creating exciting Joysticks related content for Game On users in the run up to the event.”

“The Golden Joysticks continue to grow in size and popularity and we are delighted to welcome ITN and its Game On audience to the awards adding a new dimension. We look forward to announcing additional sponsors and partners over the coming weeks” said Emma Parkinson, Event Organiser of the Golden Joystick Awards. You can see the full list of nominees and cast your votes at the official event website www.goldenjoystick.com

Last year saw Activision’s blockbuster Call of Duty series dominating the event, scooping three awards, while gamer power won out as Fallout 3 was named ‘Ultimate Game of the Year’. Once again, the combined might of the online community was recognised when fans of ‘Runescape’, the world’s largest free-to-play MMORPG rallied to honour Jagex as ‘UK Developer of the Year’.

The Golden Joystick Awards, produced by Future, the special-interest media group, is voted for by the only people who matter – gamers. It is known by many as ‘the people’s gaming awards’ and also held in high esteem by the video games industry, with nearly 1,000 executives attending the glittering ceremony.

The ever-growing Golden Joystick Awards is the ultimate accolade in gaming since 1982 and is now recognised as the biggest and most popular gaming awards on the planet. 1,223,646 votes were cast by gamers in 2009 as the Joysticks scooped it’s own honour, being named ‘Worlds most popular video games awards’ by Guinness World Records.

Visit http://www.goldenjoystick.com today and make your vote count!