A survey conducted by a US research firms claims iPad users are unkind and have little empathy, branding them a 'selfish elite'.
The survey, as reported by the Daily Mail, polled 20,000 people, and also claimed iPad users are "six times more likely to be wealthy, well-educated, power-hungry, over-achieving, sophisticated, unkind and non-altruistic 30-50-year-olds.
They are self-centered workaholics with an overwhelming interest in business and finance who cherish ‘power and achievement’ and will not cross the street to help others."
Before the anti-Apple clan get too smug, the survey also claims those who criticise the device are ‘independent geeks’ who do so to give them an "identity statement that helps them cope with their own failings."
"As a mainstream, closed-platform device whose major claim to fame is ease of use and sex appeal, the iPad is everything that they are not."
