Nintendo has already confirmed that development of the Wii 2 is well underway. But don’t expect any more information than that for quite some time, as president Satoru Iwata has told investors that the silence to ensure that the mystery tech will be a surprise.
“We are of course studying and developing the next console to Wii,” he stated. “However, there is a big difference between studying a product and announcing what it is and when we will release it.
“I am afraid to say that the history of entertainment is also the history of imitation. A great idea will promptly be copied unless protected through patents. At the same time, it is really important for our business to positively surprise people. Will you be surprised by our completed product if we told you how it is surprising three years in advance?
“Therefore, we basically disclose information on our products as late as possible. We believe this is the best approach for the entertainment products we are developing. Again, we are planning the next products for Nintendo's continuous growth, but we cannot tell you what, when and how we will release it here. Thank you for your understanding.”