Well, that was snappy. Just 24 hours after Android Police published a piece describing how easy it was to circumvent Google's new Android licensing server, the Big G is hitting back with a brief response that it promises to elaborate on in the future. In order to address any doubts that developers may have, Google has noted that its new service is still "very young," and "the first release shipped with the simplest, most transparent imaginable sample implementation, which was written to be easy to understand and modify, rather than security-focused." Interestingly, the outfit doesn't hesitate to pass some of the blame, saying that some devs "are using the sample as-is, which makes their applications easier to attack." For those who'd like to better obfuscate their code, Google will be publishing detailed instructions on how to do so in the near future. We also appreciate the honesty in this quote in particular: "100 percent piracy protection is never possible in any system that runs third-party code." As stated, the bullet points listed in the source link should be fleshed out in due time, but at least you hard working developers can rest easy knowing that Google isn't standing by and letting pirates run amok.
