The BBC has plans for a wave of new games based on some of its strongest TV brands.

What that means is that we could soon be seeing video game counterparts to the likes of Top Gear (okay), Torchwood (fair enough) and Strictly Come Dancing (not so much).

MCV's reported that prominent names in gaming have joined BBC Worldwide in preparation for moves into the medium.

Former THQ and Disney Interactive exec Paul Joffe has joined as VP of production, while Ben Badgett (previously director of gaming at Cartoon Network and creative director for Vivendi) is new creative director.

"I am trying to build a team that really understands how to get to the meat of the matter when it comes to brands," BBC Worldwide's EVP of Digital Entertainment, Robert Nashak, told MCV.

Nashak name-dropped 'In The Night Garden', 'Lonely Planet', 'Strictly Come Dancing' and 'Torchwood' as ideal brands to crossover into games and suggested that Doctor Who The Adventure Games could get a retail release, too.

At the moment though Top Gear is Aunty's main focus for a brand push.

"Top Gear is a priority for us," added Nashak.

"We are coming out with an American format of Top Gear. If that takes off, and I hope it does, then I believe that Top Gear will become a powerhouse global brand."

Nashak also said that these releases wouldn't necessarily be on console or PC, that mobile gaming on phones and the iPad would start to emerge towards the end of the year.

Koch Media revealed on Tuesday that Doctor Who will be returning to the Nintendo DS and Wii in a new adventure. It begins.