Hey guys I'm Matt, and I'm looking like-minded people to join a new blog team. It's only just begun, there's a lot to do, but what I really need right now is some more people interested in posting content, coming up with ideas, and generally spreading the word.

The blog is called Zuki, and currently resides at zuki.org.uk

So far, it's just me on-board, I do have a few friends / supporters already on Facebook (I've set up a Facebook group for it already). I currently get a small amount of regular hits to one particular post where I came up with a solution for a problem with nVidia drivers, which was affecting a considerable number of people around the web, and was linked to on nVidia's forums. I want to try and take these clickthroughs and convert them to regular visitors by getting more content, more regularly. I will admit it is small-time right now, but all good things start that way. I have a lot of passion.

The blog itself, well the topics so far are just what interests me. I am keen on computers, programming, video gaming, technology, gadgets, science (particularly physics, of which I am studying for my PhD), creative design, photography. I'd like a blog that incorporates these themes, but I am not limited to just these topics. Part of why I'd like a bigger team is to get other people's passions into the mix.

I think with some time and effort, there is a small but real possibility that Zuki could become something big, or big enough that its contributors might someday get a return from it.

If nothing else, please tell someone about Zuki. Look us up on Facebook (group is simply named Zuki) or join our Boinc team if you like.

I'd love to work with you

Peace, out!
Matt Leebody, Zuki.