New Special Offer from Play Asia

From the publisher: In Rise of the Argonauts you take on the role of Jason, King of Iolcus and powerful, battle-hardened warrior.

As the story begins you have everything - a prosperous kingdom, the respect of your citizens and the love of Alceme, your beautiful bride to be. This charmed existence ends when Alceme is killed by an assassin's arrow on your wedding day.

Overcome with grief you vow to do anything to restore her. You hear of the Legendary Golden Fleece, on the lost Isle of Tartarus, which is said to bring the dead back to life. In order reunite with your beloved you must now prepare for the greatest voyage of all.

The epic journey is available at an unbeatable bargain price of US$ 11.90 only. The Asian PlayStation3 version of Rise of the Argonauts is completely in English.