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Thread: Project "Anonymity" a concept.

  1. #1

    Needed Tools Project "Anonymity" a concept.

    I've been thinking about it for some time.
    So i documented most my ideas today...

    I plan on getting AnonymousTipster and perhaps Danzel, to take a look at the idea...

    Any dev's that wish to take on the idea, please contact me.

    This is in no way complete infomation, and is also classified to Atlantis, please do not leak.

    Project: "Anonymity" - Atlantis Classified Infomation
    Copyright to LordSturm 2006

    Possible Final Names:
    The Nameless Entity - Invalid Reference

    Notice: References are made to "ColleTIC"
    research this game at ------

    Main Concept:
    This "Game" will root from the concepts of "CollecTIC"
    I personally belive a great idea was used insufficiently in "CollecTIC"
    This "Game" will elaborate on the "WiFi" sniffing concept, to create...
    - A Networking/Hacking ( Virtual ) World, in which to "play."
    - A MMORPG ( In Therory. ) which includes any player, over infrastructure.
    |_ The game's interfacing etc. will be "speculated" futher on.
    The Game is based around a "Virtual World" and your position in it.
    You are a single node, ( Game Based around Earth. ) and plan to grow.

    Feature Dwelling:

    How does the game work?

    A New Player's Experience:
    The new player installs, and runs the homebrew. ( Game. )
    The engine will then scan the psp's MAC, then look for any access points.
    If one is found, it asks the player to "ELECT" it as their BASE.
    BASE's once claimed, ( Only ONE Base can be claimed. ) [ And makes an exception to Control Node. ]
    The Player will fill in some infomation, ( MAC Address is also "encoded" and sent. )
    This data is then stored on a Server. ( The MAC encoding can not be brought to a MAC by decoding. )
    The new player can now use this BASE to administrate his "Network."

    Trade Secrets: How are MAC's encoded?
    In order to make it "virtually" impossible to retrace the encoding to a MAC.
    A hashed version of the psps MAC address will be used as the signature for that psp.

    Administration of Network: ( Virtual Game Network )
    Once a PSP has been verified, and is assigned a BASE, he/she may administrate.
    Things you can do at a BASE, that you cant do at an "Control Node"
    ( You can only opt to select one base, aslong as you can CONNECT to it, it can be ur base. )
    |_ That allows you to make your base a "Proxy Node" rather than just a "Control Node"
    - You can review your currently owned node.
    - You can directly engage with other networks.
    - You can interface and trade with friendly networks.
    - You can Dismiss, or Upgrade remote Node's, on the fly.
    - You can Destroy your network. ( Removes you from the Game absoluty. )
    - You can do ANYTHING that can be done at a Control Node, and some Proxy features.

    A Bit about NODES!

    The Nodes...

    Administration Node: ( Also known as the BASE, or BASE Node )
    This is unique, and YOURS, can't be "hacked" for removal. ( Can be intruded for damage. )
    For more infomation, check the "Administration of Network" above.

    Control Node: - Canno't be claimed, and are for public use.
    Any "Unprotected" wifi hotspots you come accross, can be "connected" to...
    There you can execute simple comands, but not "across the network" commands.
    You may:
    - Sync! - touched upon later.
    - Buy upgrades. ( Some exclusive to THAT node. )
    - Scan for "Friendly Networks" ( IE other players that used this node. )
    - Lay a trap for any OTHER players to step on. :P
    Notice: Whilst you cant CLAIM control nodes, you can MONITER them on your network.
    |_ To USE Control nodes, you must "Add them" to your 1.50 XMB.

    Proxy Node: - Are ADDED to your "Network" if claimed, and previously unclaimed.
    Any "Protected" wifi hotspots you come across, can be claimed.
    It takes 1 minute to claim a Proxy Node at first, as you network grows, this decreses.
    You can eventually get that down to 5 seconds, but the resulting node will need upgrades.

    Market Node: A rare common hotspot, when the owner elects to make it a market.
    ( Commonly used, rarely found. ) :P - As in its rare to find a hotspot thats commonly used.
    This type of node allows for large clan, or bridged networks.
    Also a huge market can open, where players can share or trade goods.

    How Nodes are determined, a node is scanned for a MAC code, and this is stored on the psp.
    Then it is determined weather this is a Secure or Unsecure hotspot, and checks what type of node.
    ( Node's are generally determined, until you sync, then they are validated. )
    IE. You cant execute commands at a "claimed" node, unless you VERIFY you claimed it. ( Sync! )

    Sync!? - When ever you are online, at BASE or a Control Node, you can Sync all pending actions.
    |_ The time's are based on server times, and signify which actions go through first.
    |_ Here your credits are exchanged, any sales and purchases are confirmed and go through.

    Hacks? Virii!? Warez? - All very secret, but ill document them here...

    Hacks - Can be excuted against another network, in an effort to disengage a Proxy Node.
    or generally harm a network, to hinder its power. ( And claim BAD )

    BAD!? - Bank Account Details, touched on later.

    Virii - Consealed in "Files" which are the form of "product" in this world.
    Can simply cause problems in 3 different ways.
    Trojan - Open a hole in the network, allow limited access to all nodes for set period.
    Worm - Infects as many nodes as it gets to, and infects anyone that visits those nodes.
    Data Scrambler - Permanantly Deletes any BAD's or Pending Transations on a node.

    Warez - I suppose i can say theres cheats in this game, but more so advantage items.
    An example would be "SpyNet" where you could spy on another network.
    Keygen's to unlock some software, low risk, but unreliable. ( Takes time. )
    Crack's that unlock most software, can randomlly be virii.
    Password cracker! - Lets you tap into a node, takes a fair bit of time too!
    Other Goodies... Who knows!

    All about BAD's! ( Bank Account Detail files. )

    In the game, you get credits, at first they are all stored at your BASE, limited at 250 credits.
    When you get your first "Proxy Node" you can opt to transfer your money into a seperate account,
    And place the "Access Details" in the form of BAD Files, in that proxy, limited at 500 each!

    Notice you can upgrade a proxy to hold double capacity, for the full capacity.
    ( IE. To upgrade a node with the capacity of 500 credits, to 1000 credits, it costs 500 credits. )

    BAD's can be moved along nodes, and are completly hidden, until the node is compromized.

    Security! - With all these wares and stuff, u'll need it!

    Firewalls - Prevent Hacking, or simply make it harder.
    AntiVirus - Picks up most virii, and resolves the distrubuter. :P
    Encyption - Helps encrypt stuff like BAD Files, so when a node is hacked, the BAD is of no use.
    |_ The BAD is eventually returned to you at 50% rate, the hacker gets 0%... :P
    AntiPiracy - You get benifits, if you install this on your nodes, it ensures ur 100% clean!
    Anonymity - You use proxies to issue commands, in order to keep your BASE concealed.

    Possible Interfacing methods: MySQL database? - See AT about that.


  2. #2


    Well, it's certainly an interesting concept, and as you describe it, I keep thinking on how it could be implemented. It gets quite complicated, so I think it would probably be best to first trim down the idea to the core, so that we know at minimum what would be needed to make the project work. Once a proof of concept is complete, work on making it more complicated.

    I may not even have time to look into this, as there's ThrottleX to work on, Eclipse, and Tahcoa to do as well.

  3. #3


    Heh, i just spilled the idea for us to look at.

    I will definatly rewrite the core component if anyone requests it. ( Someone that plans to take it to a higher level. )

    The basics can easily be spotted thru...

    Its highly conceptive.

  4. #4


    ADD: Just fixed a little bit concerning how MAC's are encoded.

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