Just before i start, i would like to issue a warning to anybody who is going to buy this game ... it is very japanese (if u get what i mean) - the entire menu system is in Japanese, its not too difficult to work out what is what - but on the main menu i have so far worked out that the top selection is a 'Quick Race' and the bottom two/three are for Multiplayer i think. everything else is just plain ... japanese .... lol

from what i have played the game is pretty cool, the graphics are not far off being close to the quality found in the console versions of NFS Underground 2 - same (or similar) tracks too, and same Soundtrack and i dont know what the customisation bits will be like because i have to unlock them on a career mode (i think) - since the game is japanese its hard to navigate the manus and making selections is just simple hit-and-miss ... select something and hope for the best.

one thing i have noticed about the game that is much better than the console versions is on the game where u race in a straight line (cant remember the name of it) - on the console versions you was restricted to sticking on a lane and then tapping left and right to switch lanes - whereas on this the lanes are taken out and racing down the straight track you can drive as you would in a normal race. (sorry for poor explanation ... im tired)

i dont really want to compare NFSUR to Ridge Racers, since in a way they are two totally different racing games, RR is superior graphics-wise(NFSUR still looks fantastic don't get me wrong), but their type of racing is different, RR is a total arcade racer where NFSUR is both a mixture of arcade and simulation. if i had to choose between the two of them, i dont think i could.

if you are a fan of the console versions you'll get into this straight away, i think its great and worth a recommendation (thats if u dont mind the jap menus that is)

on a different note, anybody got a site where they have translated the menus so i know what im doing - GameFAQs doesnt have one yet.