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ModMii (Eg NUS Auto Downloader ) is a software developed by X- Flak which, as NUS Downloader , you will download files directly to Nintendo 's servers and much more!


* Updated Install IOS236 from v1 to v3 ( Slightly modified and accordingly guide )
* Updated from v0.4 to v0.5 Priiloader ( Slightly modified and accordingly guide )
HomeBrew Browser * Updated from v0.3.8 to v0.3.9
* Modified Drive Selection options to discard trailing backslashes .
This Will Prevent Some Accidentally Entering invalid entries .
* Default options changed to include active IOSSA IOS36 When updating ' .


* Name Change from NUS to ModMii Auto Downloader
* Added YU-GI - VAH Exploits for USA and JAP Wii 's,
Allowing Even virgin 4.3 Japanese Wii 's to Be softmodded (by WiiCrazy and ichfly )
* Replaced all methods of Installing a patched with using IOS36/236
" IOS236 Install " by Dr. Clipper. This Is Easier Than Especially the
4.3 Method of Installing modding IOS41 . This app Requires To Be Launched
through the HomeBrew Channel v1.0.7 + in order to work properly.
* Some guides to exchange LUKAS to the above.
* Change to disclaimer, now you only Have to wait the first time
you start ( or update ) ModMii Before Being Allowing to type "I AGREE ".
* Fixed bug in SNEEK Nand WHERE Mii Channel Builder Was not Being
Downloaded installed gold
* Added choice to download in Wizards All Wii Channels , Some , or None.
You Will Be Asked only about EACH Channel Individually If You choose " Some ".
* Added \ Removed FOLLOWING the files to the Download Database:

o Install IOS236 ( this Replaced Trucha Bug Restorer v1.13 )
o Removed Waninkoko 's cIOS249rev17 Install ( install Wad v17b IS BETTER )