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Thread: Data problem

  1. #1

    Unhappy Data problem

    Hi guys!

    I have some problem with my nds games that i download, actually it is a problem with save game data. When i put my card in my DS, and when i start the game i wish, it trows me this error:

    The save data could not be accessed. Please turn the power off and reinsert the DS Card.

    I tried those tho thing he told me, doesn't works, tried to put game on another card still doesn't work. I tried backup my Micro SD card still doesn't work, etc.
    I tried a lot of things and nothing helps. But i don't know why it trows the error only for the games that are made from 2005-2010
    I have M3 DS Simply adapter.
    Pls help me out guys :S

  2. #2
    The Long Claw of the Law BlueCrab's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
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    What kinds of "games" are you talking about? Are these commercial titles that you downloaded? If so, then you won't find any help here with piracy.

    If they're not, then send me a PM, and I'll unlock this thread.

    Until then...
    Sylverant PSO Server #dreamcastdev #dcemuuk #yabause #ljsdcdev

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