Pate has posted some more WIP news of his Dos Emulator for the Nintendo DS:

During the past week I have continued porting the DSx86 ARM ASM CPU emulation code to DS2x86 MIPS ASM. This work has progressed well, and I am actually a little bit ahead of schedule. I have now worked on it for 3 weeks, and I have about 80% of the 80186 opcodes coded. I have skipped and left for later some of the more difficult opcodes, like opcodes 0xCC..0xCE (INT3, INT imm8, INTO). The reason for skipping these has been the fact that they interface with the hardware features, and I can not test them properly with the current plain opcode tester program. These I need to revisit later, but I plan to first code all the normal opcodes and then switch over to the proper DS2x86 implementation and start adding the hardware features. If all goes well I might get all the normal 80186 opcodes done by the next weekend.