Remember Microsoft's claims that, like-for-like, its £130 Kinect offered the best motion-control money could buy? Remember the chart it showed us all to 'prove' it? Sony's Kevin Butler's replied. You know what happens next.

Featured on Sony's semi-official new 'Move Vs Stuff' website (is that a reactive potshot we detect?) are a couple of 'instructive' images that will no doubt infuriate the firm's rivals.

A 'sensible' chart appears on the site's homepage, comparing Move, Kinect and Wii with a serious face.

As well as defining all of Move's good points, it takes a cheeky swipe at both Kinect and Nintendo's Wii. Both are only given one positive 'tick' each on the chart - in the desultory category of having a power cable.

Kevin's smug face beams out from the side, as the tagline borrows from the official PS3 ad zinger. It reads: 'It only does... way more than they do'.

However, click through far enough and you'll find an even more ballsy sell (pictured), which goes so far to give an old 'hoop on a stick' more kudos than its rivals - because at least it will 'remind grandma of her youth'.

Funny. Ludicrously arrogant, highly debatable. But funny.

We reviewed PlayStation Move last week. The long and short of it? The tech's great; the launch line-up less so.

Move's released on September 17 in the UK.