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Thread: Button Input

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Jun 2006
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    Default Button Input

    Hey all,

    First time poster so hoping you can perhaps help me out.
    So I want to do some decent button input and reading, but am finding it difficult to find info on the SceCtrlLatch structure.
    What I basically want is a check of what button i have pressed for say .25 second.
    Yes SceCtrlLatch.uiPress tells me what button i am pressing but does exactly the same as SceCtrlData.Buttons so its down to SceCtrlLatch's uiMake, uiBreak, uiRelease but all seem to give me random results, for example if i press and release (thus uiRelease would show me which button is being released) a button for 1 second i will get a x-button response, but next 3 times i press it i wont get a x-button response
    Is there a function or call i can make to get button feedaback more often? is there some more documentation on what this structure does (google search achieves not much) .
    This forum has been helpful to get me to where i am but is there a more in depth developer forum?
    Soon i should have a small demo that you guys will be able to look at (perhaps have to get some artist help too).
    Sorry for the lengthy post - just trying to get my scenario clear.
    Thanks for the help in advance.

    BTW i am not using LUA just pure C, and a form of engine that i am writing.

  2. #2
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
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    Try going to .

    As to your problem, can't you use a timer to time the number of ms from when a button is pressed to release state? E.g Puesdocode

    if CrossButtonPressed then
    start timer

    if not CrossButtonPressed then
    reset timer

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