News via (old release but hey i have never seen it posted before)

Save Scummer is a Seven Day Roguelike written by Jeff Lait.

You can get the most recent version here.

This provides a windows and linux executable versions along with the source for those brave enough to try and build it from scratch. It also provides a linux and windows curses version for those allergic to graphics.

The features of Save Scummer are:

Intelligent "Do What I Mean" commands that reduce all possible actions to a single keystroke.
Infinite undo to correct mistakes in pressing said single keystroke.
Fight the fifty-two monsters from Letter Hunt and one new bonus monster.
1980 different weapons and 216 different spells!
Play one of 8 races or 9 classes!
If you are looking for a more traditional roguelike, I can't help but recommend POWDER.

Have fun!

Version History
A 7DRL is supposed to be completely done at the end of the seven days. However, this should not mean one does not make small fixes.

002 Release
April 8th, 2007

Added documentation about intent of this game and listed various non-bugs.
Fixed a bug where the borg would attack enemies even when blind.
Added an eXplore mode so you can take over and pilot the game manually. The correct key to hit isn't in the in-game documentation to encourage you to play it properly first.