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Thread: MapThis! is out

  1. #101
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Ofcourse fakefeed is set to 0. The reason for the problem is beyond me Maybe an error locking the program to 38400 baud, even though something else is specified in config.txt?

  2. #102
    DCEmu Rookie fokia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xern
    Ofcourse fakefeed is set to 0. The reason for the problem is beyond me Maybe an error locking the program to 38400 baud, even though something else is specified in config.txt?
    Did you tried to use that on another setup (with a computer, PDA, ...)? Some GPS's need internal config before they can be use either way...

    I've cheked on the net for your gps is this model Garmin GPSmap 60C, right? it has itself monitor so it must be configurable, the serial port must have some kind of config...

    Just checked Garmin webpage... You are using the SERIAL port or the USB port? I hope u are using the serial port otherwise might have killed the PSP serial port... The USB coonector in that receiver is in fact a USB port!!! If you are using the USB port check the manual (online, if u dont have the paperback) to see how to connect through the serial port and not through a REAL USB port....

  3. #103
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I´m actually having the same problem with data:bad and I am running a Holux GPSlim 236 unit. It all seems to work in the green application and also simultaniously on my Smartphone via Bluetooth but Mapthis! gives me the data:bad error. I have changed the fakefeed.

    Maybe Deniska has some input on this problem ? Have you setup your Holux differently ? i.e. another kind of reporting than DD.MM.SSSS ?

  4. #104
    PSP Coder deniska's Avatar
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    Actually, I did not setup mine at all..
    I don't event have a way to program it...
    I am assuming you took out UMD, checked WIFI switch, right?

    If nothing else helps, look for a link to a beta version of MapThis with instructions to get the checksum for beta testers..
    The link should be in one of the threads here...
    The beta version has a different parsing logic, it would be interesting to know if it works for you...

  5. #105
    DCEmu Newbie
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    So are you going to eventually make this into nav software, ala TomTom?

  6. #106
    DCEmu Rookie fokia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deniska
    Actually, I did not setup mine at all..
    I don't event have a way to program it...
    I am assuming you took out UMD, checked WIFI switch, right?

    If nothing else helps, look for a link to a beta version of MapThis with instructions to get the checksum for beta testers..
    The link should be in one of the threads here...
    The beta version has a different parsing logic, it would be interesting to know if it works for you...
    There are ppl reporting that their cable won't work with the resistor... try lower the resistor to 500ohm (at your own risk, of course) or even beter, mesure the output voltage form the holux... shouldn't be lower than 2,5V I guess...

  7. #107
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by deniska
    I don't change the coordinates that Holux retuns...
    Could that be that you did not have a fix? In that case holux will give you the last coordinate, aquired during a good fix....
    make sure that the red light is blinking...
    I just ran your GPSlim236 viewer program. It returns the correct co-ordinates.

    I've also tried to compile your program. Have heaps of errors. Most likely cause by incorrect setup. I went to this site for installing CYGWIN (

    Here's my error log file.

  8. #108
    PSP Coder deniska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Totaliser
    I just ran your GPSlim236 viewer program. It returns the correct co-ordinates.

    I've also tried to compile your program. Have heaps of errors. Most likely cause by incorrect setup. I went to this site for installing CYGWIN (

    Here's my error log file.
    Make sure you have the latest version of PSPSDK
    and libraries like ziplib, libping, jpeg, etc from ps2dev svn server

  9. #109
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Well I finally did it. Removed the UMD and restarted the PSP and all was well.

    However looking at the program now I wonder if there is no way for the automatic loading of the next piece of map available for the current POS ? I drove on one map and then Mapthis! reported out of area. I would have thought that it would switch to the next available map much like gpsdash which switches between the best map available in your area.

    Also I am missing an overlayed trail drawn on the maps. Would this be possible ?

    One other thing. It would be really good if you could switch between fakefeed and recorded data via a button. Also if you could record several different data files.

  10. #110
    PSP Coder deniska's Avatar
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    eventually, I'll try to include all these features..

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