With both the Xbox 360 and PS3 having undergone physical redesigns in the last year, a study by Gamasutra claims that while both have seen an uplift in sales it’s Xbox 360 that has benefited the most.
In its first three months of availability the PS3 Slim saw year-on-year sales growth of 13.3 per cent, 111.6 per cent and 68.7 per cent respectively, leading to total growth of 68.2 per cent over the entire period.
In comparison, in its first three months on the market the Xbox 360 S has seen year-on-year sales growth of 87.7 per cent, 118.6 per cent and 65.6 per cent and an overall boost of 90 per cent.
The report concludes that Microsoft could well be on track to sell 8.07m consoles in the year ending May 2011, which would be an increase of 3.2m annually.
And this week’s release of Halo Reach will provide another big boost for Xbox 360, as well as a fresh spike in hardware sales.
