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Thread: Uploading/Downloading saves on M3?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Regular chemical's Avatar
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    Default Uploading/Downloading saves on M3?


    I don't have an M3 so i'm unsure on how saves are put on the SD card?, if its just like for Mario.nds theres a Mario.sav (.sav just an example) then thats easy, or if they have there save and rom in a folder, but I'm wondering if its more complicated then that?, i.e you just have one log file for all saves or saves are just random code names so you cant tell what save is for what game?

    If thats the case, how do you know which is which?, also, can you put saves onto the M3 for NDS, GBA, SNES, etc. roms?, i have a few games I really dont want to start over :/

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular
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    For GBA games you have a *.sav file for each game, which has the same filename (just like you suggested in your example). For instance, if you have a rom named mmzero_02.gba, when you run the game through the GameManager to put the rom onto the SD card (it's easier to use the program than to do it yourself), it'll automatically create a save file for it in the "GAMESAVE" folder (which it will also create in the root of your SD card).

    For DS games, it's pretty much exactly the same, except the save file is put into the NDSSAVE folder with the extension *.dat (but otherwise has the same filename as the DS rom you're playing).

    What you're saying you want to do is take your saves from your GBA, DS, and SNES carts and put them onto your flashcart so you can continue your progress. This is possible to do with a DS game (on your DS, you can use your flashcart to take the savefile off a normal DS game), but for a GBA and SNES game, that'd require more work, and you'd need to build/buy a rom-ripper. For the SNES game, to apply the save file to the SNES emulator.. I don't think that's even possible. Sorry.

    Good luck. Hope this helped. ^^

  3. #3


    umm, i dont have an M3 either and am I allowed to edit my Animal Crossing Wild World save file? I have one already on my comp, so If I ripped the rom off my game cart on to my comp, and am I allowed to hack my save file and then play it. Basically transerfing my save files.

    Sorry if that was a little confusing.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Regular
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    Umm.. you should be able to transfer your save to the M3. Depends, what file format is the save in? I know there are programs for converting between some save formats.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Regular chemical's Avatar
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    Thanks for the help cloud, alot of the saves i mentioned were on emus on my pc, so that should be ok, the only actual games i would want saves off is off DS, so thats lucky =D, I thought i'd need some DS cart to USB thing that would cost me money, but if the flashcart, DS and DS game is all i need, yayz.

    Thanks again.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    if you can't get ur m3 to do it for you check out Rein or Reinmoon

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